Given Name/s:
Maternal Biological Creator’s Given Name/s:
Maternal Biological Creator’s Family Name:
Paternal Biological Creator’s Given Name/s:
Paternal Biological Creator’s Family Name:
Time Born (if unknown, put “Not Known”):
Date Born:
Place Where Born:
I the undersigned certify that the information indicated on this form is true and accurate. I further certify that the Declaration of Living Status is to be recorded by the People’s Court of Terra Australis for preservation in the Book of Deeds.
I understand that by submitting this declaration online, I have agreed to the electronic autograph below and that this application shall have the same legal effect as if made under oath. I am also aware that by submitting false information on this application I would be guilty of committing perjury, for which I may be prosecuted. I accept full liability for this submission.
Autograph of Living Man/Woman
Email Address of Living Man/Woman
Displaying 925 - 950 of 1585Previous12...3637383940..6364Next Given NameMotherFatherLatai FahinaAkesa VaokakalaSamuiela Ukilifi VaineMatthew James MorrosBronwyn FayeIgnatius JamesPaul-Spencer MargretAlbert Priestly Tammie MarieSusan Joy George Robert Joseph AngelaVivien PalmerGiuseppe SalvatoreBelinda SuePatricia AnnDonald StanleyKonrad JamesJudith RobynGeorg LaszloVernon BlakeJennifer AnnStanley NevilleLuke josephBarbara maryRobert frankBruce AndrewGwenda MaryClifford GeorgeRoss AnthonyJosephine MarionRobert Henrydorothy reneetheresajesse lee Paul StephenLeila ElaineDouglas CharlesMarc LongleyDianne EvelynNoel DouglasSandie Jane Joanne GrahamMitchell DeanTammy CeciliaColin JeffreyBrodie Robert MurrayTammy CeciliaColin JeffreyKayla LeeTammy CeciliaColin JeffreyJordan JosephTammy CeciliaColin JeffreyTammy CeciliaShirley TeresaPatrickColin JeffreyZena AdeleColin JosephEly MayGildaEliezerEly MayGilda EliezerVesalinVesalinVesalinGiovanniRosinaLetterio
(Not all details are displayed for privacy reasons)